Grading Scheme for Math 2513-001, Spring 2009
Grade components:

Component Points Percentage
Homework 30 10%
Exams I - III 60 each 20% each
Final Exam 90 30%
Total 300 100%


Total points Grade
250 - 300 A
200 - 249 B
150 - 199 C
100 - 149 D
0 - 99 F

Do it yourself: To calculate your homework score, add your scores and divide by the total number of points available to get a percentage, then multiply by 30 to get the score out of 30. Note: I will be dropping your two lowest homework scores. The last two homeworks will be combined as one, since they are being graded for a total of 25 points.

So far 210 points have been determined. Add up your exam scores and your homework score out of 30, and multiply by 300/210 to estimate your current grade.