Math 2443-001   Calculus and Analytic Geometry IV, Spring 2008
Instructor:   Max Forester
Time and location:

MWF 8:30 - 9:20 am,   116 Physical Sciences Center

Important dates:

Exam I:   Feb. 15
Exam II:   Mar. 14
Exam III:   Apr. 18

Final Exam:   May 7,   10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Academic calendar

Course information and materials:

Office Hours:   Tuesday 9:30 - 11:00 am, Thursday 2:00 - 3:30 pm, and by appointment.

First day handout (pdf)

OU Calc 4 Resources

Homework (updated regularly)


May 12:   Solutions to the final exam are here.

May 10:   Grades have been posted on D2L. I will post the solutions to the final exam on Monday. Also, if you want to discuss anything, I will be in my office Monday and Tuesday from 4 to 5. You are welcome to look over your final any time (next semester, even), but I am required to keep the exam.

May 9:   About the exam and final grades -- I have been hard at work on this, but it is taking longer than usual, and I may not have things posted until the weekend. Sorry!

May 1:   The final exam will cover all material from the course, up through section 17.5. There will be some emphasis on the newest material (17.3 - 17.5). Also, you are allowed to bring a 4x6 card to the exam. Think carefully about what to put on it, and no magnifying glasses please!

Apr. 29:   Here is a grading scale, if you want to see how you are doing and what you need.

Apr. 25:   Solutions to the third exam are here.

Apr. 14:   The third exam will cover sections 16.6-16.8 and 17.1-17.2, and the first two pages of 17.3 (on the fundamental theorem of line integrals).

Mar. 24:   Solutions to the second exam are here.

Mar. 7:   The second exam will cover sections 15.7-15.8 and 16.1-16.5.

Mar 2:   This week only, I need to shift my thursday office hours to the morning. So, my office hours on Thursday March 6 will be held from 9:30 to 11:00 am.

Feb. 19:   Solutions to the first exam are here.

Feb. 11:   The first exam will cover sections 15.1 and 15.3-15.6.

Jan. 30:   This week only, I will need to shift my thursday office hours one hour later. So, on Thursday Jan. 31, my office hours will be held from 3 to 4:30 pm.

Jan. 11:   Anyone who misses the first two class meetings will be dropped from the course automatically. If you have a good reason for missing both classes, let me know immediately. Note that the first day of class is Wednesday January 16, since Monday is reserved for make-up final exams.